If enable Preview Slot of non-default slot in AnimMontage, AnimNotify of AnimationSequence does not run.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 15, 2021

The AnimSingleNodeInstance used in the AnimMontage preview does not consider multiple Slots. The following is a correction code. void UAnimSingleNodeInstance::SetAnimationAsset(class UAnimationAsse ...

Oculus Quest Link with OpenXR fires action events multiple times when multiple action events are bound to the same key

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 14, 2021

From a developer: If the same key is mapped to N action events all the mapped events fire N times. This issue only exists with the OpenXR plugin enabled and does not occur for any keyboard/mouse i ...

The space between multi line text is gone in game when the text box is placed in a retainer box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 4, 2021

When using a Text Box with multiple lines inside a Retainer, the lines overlap with each other depending on the letters. It doesn't look this way in the Widget Designer. Additionally, it doesn't loo ...

Adding a new component to a parent class breaks child Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 16, 2021

See UDN(308147): [Link Removed] ...

Image rendering is incorrect when RichTextBlock that displays an image is a child of Retainer Box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 29, 2021

This issue occurs when using an image with RichTextBlockImageDecorator for RichTextBlock. This displays RichTextBox of RetainerBox and RichTextBox as it is. In the case of UMG Editor, the image is ...

Forward renderer's masked material are broken with 8x MSAA

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 18, 2021

Problem seams to be coming from MaterialTemplate.ush's GetDerivativeCoverageFromMask() ...

ForceFeedback Component - OnForceFeedbackFinished delegate isn't broadcast

UE - Gameplay - Input - Feb 5, 2021

The OnForceFeedbackFinished delegate isn't broadcast anywhere, so binding to it doesn't do anything. ...

Rich Text is offset when set as the child of a Retainer Box in a Widget Blueprint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 4, 2021

It seems that when playing a Rich Text Block into a Retainer Box, it causes the text inside the yellow row style to have additional spaces added to it. The user who reported this issue also had issu ...

RetargetSource in AnimSeqeuence doesn't affect DDC key

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 4, 2020

Retarget source doesn't affect DDC key, so it causes incorrect result. Changing the anim sequence DDC key generation to include it fixes this issue. ...