Users note seeing multiple accounts being added to Horde's user collection with the same account details. ...
When a reflection capture is unloaded due to streaming, it cannot be reloaded when the player returns to that area in the world because FReflectionCaptureData::OnDataUploadedToGPUFinal deletes the C ...
For instances that are not a dedicated client or dedicated server (e.g. packaged games with TargetType "Game"), GIsClient will be true, but GIsServer will be false. This leads to objects that retur ...
When we set up the draw calls for ISM with GPU LOD selection we submit a draw call per LOD. For this we calculate the minimum and maximum possible LOD with a call to ComputeLODForMeshes() in FReleva ...
When calculating LOD for instances on GPU in NaniteCullingCommon.ush we use:float RadiusSq = length2(LocalBoxExtent); This doesn't exactly match the CPU logic for static mesh component LOD select ...
When the replicated scene component's AttachChildren array is replicated, the package map attempts to serialize the non-replicated component, causing the warning that the object is not supported. ...
A crash occurs when LevelInstance with LevelBehavior set to "Standalone" is loaded in a standalone game. Specifically, when LevelInstance is deleted by moving outside the loading range of the worldp ...
When DrawMaterialToRenderTarget function is called on tick and actors are spawned in game, the lumen shadow/GI visually flickers. Debugging shows that the lumen screen probes are flickering as well. ...
Foliage/hierarchical instanced static mesh components have issues with culling when their material's "Max World Position Offset Displacement" value is a higher amount, e.g. 100.0. ...