Parent blueprint not added to nativization array if only child saved

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Jan 25, 2017

Currently parent blueprints are added to the list of blueprints to nativize if their children are flagged to be nativized only if they are also individually saved. Ideally, we'd update the list of ...

Incorrect native code generation when Blueprint nativization is enabled for objects instanced through the editor and assigned to an instanced object reference property on the CDO

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 14, 2018

When converting a Blueprint class to native C++ code, we're not currently distinguishing between an instanced default subobject assigned to an instanced object reference property within the CDO that ...

Data only blueprints are not not nativized when flagged to do so

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Jan 25, 2017

Data only blueprints that are explicitly flagged for nativization do not nativize. (Makes sense that they don't when they're not explicitly told, but if someone goes out of the way to flag them to, ...

Unnativized BP function fails to return a valid reference to a component when the calling BP is nativized

UE - Gameplay - Jul 5, 2019

The nativized spawner receives an invalid reference from the non nativized actor and fails silently meaning the variable doesn't get set. Additional info: This issue happens when using a pure and n ...

Nativized build will crash on launch if a nativized Actor-based Blueprint class includes an instanced subobject that references another instanced subobject but does not also own it.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 11, 2017

Crash occurs because the generated ctor for the nativized Actor-based Blueprint class is incorrectly trying to recreate a default subobject it owns through another instanced subobject. ...

Nativize Blueprint Assets causes build to fail if a function has an open input for a button reference

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Sep 8, 2016

Nativize Blueprint Assets causes a build to fail if a function has an open input for a button reference. The open reference appears to cause the project to fail to build when using Nativize Blueprin ...

BP - Nativized builds will incur data loss in a Blueprint class that contains more than one ChildActor component and for which each had its child actor class set in the Details tab before being renamed away from "ChildActor" in the component editor tree.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 27, 2020

Child actor component templates, when nativized, end up being owned by the converted Blueprint class object, rather than the child actor component template. Furthermore, we don't regenerate the chil ...

Packaging fails if a nativized Blueprint inherits a TArray from a parent code class that is of type TSubclassOf< SomeClass >

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 8, 2017

Packaging will fail if a Blueprint is set to be nativized, and it includes a TArray inherited from a parent code class that is of type TSubclassOf< SomeClass >. REGRESSION: Unknown. Blueprint nativ ...

Cannot compile nativized Blueprints containing a delegate signature that includes a TMap (paired) type as a parameter.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 15, 2018

Paired types (e.g. TMap) in a delegate signature do not compile after nativizing a Blueprint class containing it due to the macro expansion and comma inside the template spec between key and value t ...

IMovieSceneEasingFunction fails to nativize when not using Inclusive nativization

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 16, 2017 ...