Regression No, according to affect version 4.26 and 4.27
[2021.10.29-17.01.06:085][830]Primitives with unbuilt interactions: 6
[2021.10.29-17.01.06:085][830] Primitive FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent /Game/Brushify/Maps/Arctic/UEDPIE_0_Arctic.Arctic:PersistentLevel.InstancedFoliageActor_0.FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_4
[2021.10.29-17.01.06:085][830] Primitive FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent /Game/Brushify/Maps/Arctic/UEDPIE_0_Arctic.Arctic:PersistentLevel.InstancedFoliageActor_0.FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent_3
[2021.10.29-17.01.06:085][830] Primitive StaticMeshComponent /Game/Brushify/Maps/Arctic/UEDPIE_0_Arctic.Arctic:PersistentLevel.S_Water_3.StaticMeshComponent0
[2021.10.29-17.01.06:085][830] Primitive StaticMeshComponent /Game/Brushify/Maps/Arctic/UEDPIE_0_Arctic.Arctic:PersistentLevel.iceberg_floaters18.StaticMeshComponent0
[2021.10.29-17.01.06:085][830] Primitive LandscapeComponent /Game/Brushify/Maps/Arctic/UEDPIE_0_Arctic.Arctic:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_120
[2021.10.29-17.01.06:085][830] Primitive LandscapeComponent /Game/Brushify/Maps/Arctic/UEDPIE_0_Arctic.Arctic:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeComponent_119
Download the licensee repro from here:
[Link Removed]
Once the project loads, hit play to PIE, and enter the console command DumpUnbuiltLightInteractions, 6 errors occur (see description)
Hit build etc. If you DumpUnbuiltLightInteractions again, the errors persist.
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-133209 in the post.
0 |
Component | UE - Graphics Features |
Affects Versions | 4.26, 4.27 |
Target Fix | 5.1 |
Created | Oct 29, 2021 |
Resolved | Sep 13, 2022 |
Updated | Sep 28, 2022 |