
This issue does not occur if Dbuffer Decals are activated for the project.

Steps to Reproduce

Optionally, download the attached project.

  1. create a new project, and in project settings active Virtual Texture Support, and deactive dbuffer decals. Restart the editor.
  2. Create a new RVT, set to Base Color, Specular, Roughness, Normal
  3. Create a new material, called M_Landscape
  4. In the material, write out a vector param "Color" to Runtime Virtual Texture Output's Base Color input.
  5. In the material, sample the RVT you created and output Base Color to the material output's Base Color input.
  6. Create a LandscapeVisibiltyMask node and input it to Opacity Mask.
  7. Set the material to Masked.
  8. In the level, create a new landscape (it doesn't have to be large), and apply your material to it.
  9. Create a new RVT Volume, and assign your RVT to it.
  10. Set your landscape to draw in your RVT.
  11. Using the Landscape Edit -> Sculpt mode, paint a hole in the landscape
  12. Note that the hole is black, and not see-through

Have Comments or More Details?

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ComponentUE - Graphics Features
Affects Versions4.
Target Fix5.1
CreatedDec 14, 2021
ResolvedDec 16, 2021
UpdatedDec 17, 2021
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