
See linked UDN for more information.

Steps to Reproduce

QAGame Repro:

  1. Load QAGame in the editor (or another project with the MoverExamples plugin)
  2. Open the map /MoverExamples/Maps/L_CharacterMovementBasics (you might need to enable plugin content to see it
  3. Open the AnimatedMannyPawn blueprint (Can get to it from clicking ExchangeablePawn's type in the world outliner, or using content browser)
  4. On the left click the Override button next to functions and override ReceiveControllerChanged
  5. Add the events indicated in ChangedEvent.png to log when this is called: [Image Removed]
  6. Click the ... next to Play to set the Net Mode to client
  7. Go to Advanced Settings in the same window, click to Enable Network Emulation and set network emulation profile to Bad
  8. Hit play and you should spawn as a movable character in the map. You can enter "log lognetworkprediction error" to turn off unrelated log spam
  9. (In ReproVideo) Walk forward to find "Swap for Extended pawn" and walk on top of pad. Your pawn will change and it will print that debug information to the screen and log
  10. Turn around and look for "Possess Pawn From Map", step on pad which will print more debug information
  11. Go to right and step into "Leave a Pawn" box and step on pad, that will print more information
  12. Check output log for the "Pawn x swapped from" message described above:

Expected Behavior:

There should be an equal number of LogBlueprintUserMessages for both the client and server showing when the controller changes.

Broken Behavior:

Randomly, some of the Client lines will be missing, indicating that it did not get notified about controller changes. The log snippet MissingClientNotifications shows an example from the ReproVideo



Old Repro:

Set up some sort of notification for when the pawn's Controller Changed event is received.
In PIE, enable Network Emulation, and use the "Bad" emulation profile with increased packet loss. Then start a server and client instances.
Expected: The controller changed event would occur on both the server and client.
Actual: Sometimes this event is not received on the client.

Have Comments or More Details?

There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-149757 in the post.

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ComponentUE - Gameplay
Affects Versions5.05.5
Target Fix5.15.5
Fix Commit34319375
Main Commit20287345
CreatedApr 20, 2022
ResolvedJun 12, 2024
UpdatedJun 28, 2024
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