Steps to Reproduce
  1. create a widget blueprint and put a textbox on canvas
  2. check auto wrap text in detail pane
  3. set some string containing unicode BIDI control character in the textbox.
    هذا عربي Hello one two three four.
  1.  Adjust the text box size so that automatic line break occurs


Repro project [Link Removed]can be launched in either 4.26 or 5.0 


Unicode control character [LRE] effect does not appear on the added line.
[Image Removed]

Expected Result

Below is the display in GoogleDoc.
[Image Removed]

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ComponentUE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG
Affects Versions4.264.275.0
CreatedJul 7, 2022
UpdatedDec 15, 2023
View Jira Issue