
Collision between an instanced static mesh and a physics simulating actor (with "simulation generates hits events" enabled) results in the following warning:

LogChaos: Warning: Collision handler encountered invalid actors and could not recover components

This issue not only generates a warning, it also afects the collision behavior. For example, "component begin overlap event" gets generated several times before the overlap is over.

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QuiqueB 2023-09-25 07:53:04 UTC
Hi <@U031DL4RL14>, I have JIRA report related to case|00627760.

Steps to Reproduce

1- Create a blueprint actor.
2- Add an instanced static mesh component to the actor and set it up.
3- Create a blueprint actor and add a static mesh or a collision sphere to it. Set it to simulate physics and enable "simulation generates hit events".
4- Place the physics actor above the instanced static mesh in the level.
5- Run level.
6- When the physics simulating actor hits the instanced static mesh, the following warning will flood the log:
LogChaos: Warning: Collision handler encountered invalid actors and could not recover components.
7- Component overlap and hit events will not work as expected.

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ComponentUE - Simulation - Physics
Affects Versions5.
Target Fix5.5
CreatedSep 25, 2023
UpdatedSep 26, 2023
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