
Pressing F11 (in attempts to fullscreen) while playing in editor - new window causes the viewport in the editor itself to full screen as opposed to the new window that's created.

expectation is 1 of 2 behaviors:
-F11 with the new window focused doesn't do anything, but the 'fullscreen' command and/or Alt+Enter work
-F11 with the new window focused fullscreens the spawned window and not the viewport in the editor.

Not a regression (checked as far back as 4.5)

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create a new project (No template or starter content needed)
  2. Play in Editor in new window
  3. Ensure you have the new window focused, then press F11

Result: Viewport in the editor is fullscreened behind the play window.
Expected Result: The new Editor window should be set to fullscreen

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Won't Fix
Affects Versions4.
CreatedSep 25, 2015
ResolvedDec 14, 2018
UpdatedJul 11, 2022
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