
Using plugin version 4.21E3. The attached STEP file was generated using Fusion 360 v2.0.5357. It is a very basic house model. On import, the assembly named 'mod_Upper Hall2_v5_1' has several components with translation errors. There may be other subtle errors, but the upper hall is the most obvious. See attached screen shots for correct and incorrect orientation. The upper hall component is itself an assembly.

This was reported and tested in 4.21E3. This was reproduced in 4.20E4 and 4.22E0

Steps to Reproduce
  1. Open the UE4 Editor and create a Blank Unreal Studio project
  2. Click on the Datasmith Importer and change it to the CAD importer
  3. Import the attached .step file
  4. Check "Geometry" and "Materials&Textures". Set Min lightmap res to 64, and max to 512. Set chord tolerance to 0.02cm, max edge length to 30.0cm, and normal tolerance to 12.0deg.
  5. Click Import

Results: On import, the assembly named 'mod_Upper Hall2_v5_1' has several components with translation errors. The entire model will need to be rotated. (modeled with Y Up.)

Expected: Translation is the same as in Fusion 360

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Won't Fix
Fix Commit10479354
Main Commit10480870
Release Commit10479354
CreatedMar 6, 2019
ResolvedNov 29, 2019
UpdatedOct 6, 2020
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