
Found in 4.22 CL#6574378

Reproduced in 4.21 CL#4753647, 4.24 Main CL#7062442

May be similar to [Link Removed], which was reported fixed in 4.13

The following warning is spammed when trying to move a physics enabled Static Mesh Actor after moving a component child of the root component.

PIE: Warning: Attempting to move a fully simulated skeletal mesh SkeletalMeshComponent0. Please use the Teleport flag
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Place a Skeletal Mesh Actor in a level.
  2. Set Simulate Physics to True.
  3. Add a Box Collision Component to the Skeletal Mesh Actor.
  4. Simulate the level.
  5. Move the Skeletal Mesh Actor around from the root component. It will move as expected.
  6. Grab the Box Collision Component in the Skeletal Mesh Actor and move it.
  7. Grab the root component of the Skeletal Mesh Actor and try move it.
  8. Refer to the output log.

Result: The Skeletal Mesh Actor root component will not move after the child component has been moved and will spam the output log with this message.

PIE: Warning: Attempting to move a fully simulated skeletal mesh SkeletalMeshComponent0. Please use the Teleport flag

Expected: The Skeletal Mesh Actor root will move as it did prior to moving the Box Collision Component.

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Won't Fix
ComponentUE - Simulation - Physics
Affects Versions4.
CreatedJun 18, 2019
ResolvedAug 27, 2021
UpdatedAug 27, 2021
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