If user lock assets with Japanese comments outside source control, XML acquired in svn status may contain Japanese strings, and XML parsing may fail and become NotControlled.
This issue does not occur on English OS. I received a report from a licensee who is using Japanese OS.
The following is the cause of this issue and the correction code. This issue is using FUTF8ToTCHAR inside a loop. This fix resolves a issue that occurred with licensees. I'd like to you to incorporate it by all means.
bool FWindowsPlatformProcess::ExecProcess(...) { ... if (hStdOutRead != NULL) { // BEGIN BUGFIX #if 1 TArray<uint8> StdOutBuffer, StdErrBuffer; FProcHandle ProcHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess); do { if (hStdOutRead && OutStdOut) { TArray<uint8> Buffer; ReadPipeToArray(hStdOutRead, Buffer); StdOutBuffer.Append(Buffer); } if (hStdErrRead && OutStdErr) { TArray<uint8> Buffer; ReadPipeToArray(hStdErrRead, Buffer); StdErrBuffer.Append(Buffer); } FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0); } while (IsProcRunning(ProcHandle)); if (hStdOutRead && OutStdOut) { TArray<uint8> Buffer; ReadPipeToArray(hStdOutRead, Buffer); StdOutBuffer.Append(Buffer); StdOutBuffer.Add('\0'); *OutStdOut = FUTF8ToTCHAR((const ANSICHAR*)StdOutBuffer.GetData()).Get(); } if (hStdErrRead && OutStdErr) { TArray<uint8> Buffer; ReadPipeToArray(hStdErrRead, Buffer); StdErrBuffer.Append(Buffer); StdErrBuffer.Add('\0'); *OutStdErr = FUTF8ToTCHAR((const ANSICHAR*)StdErrBuffer.GetData()).Get(); } #else HANDLE ReadablePipes[2] = { hStdOutRead, hStdErrRead }; FString* OutStrings[2] = { OutStdOut, OutStdErr }; FProcHandle ProcHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess); do { ReadFromPipes(OutStrings, ReadablePipes, 2); FPlatformProcess::Sleep(0); } while (IsProcRunning(ProcHandle)); ReadFromPipes(OutStrings, ReadablePipes, 2); #endif // END BUGFIX } else { ::WaitForSingleObject(ProcInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); } ... }
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-76809 in the post.
1 |
Component | UE - Foundation - Core |
Affects Versions | 4.20.3, 4.21.2 |
Target Fix | 4.24 |
Created | Jun 28, 2019 |
Resolved | Jul 11, 2019 |
Updated | Mar 30, 2021 |