In UE 4.20 we got a feature that let you import a FBX file that contains cameras with a camereaswitcher to create a "camera cut track" within sequencer.
From the release notes of 4.20:
New: Import the camera switcher track as a camera cut track in Sequencer when importing an FBX with the "Create Cameras" option selected.
This is super handy and lets you transfer your Cinematic from a 3rd Party software like MotionBuilder in no time into a working Sequence in UE4.
This was reported and tested in 4.23.1 (CL-9631420). This was reproduced in 4.22.3 (CL-7053642), 4.24 (CL-9743443), and Main 4.25 (CL-9686140)
Results: If you import the FBX file into the Sequencer in Engine Version 4.20, the sequencer will setup the camera cut track with all cameras linked to the shots with the correct timings.
In any other Engine Version it will only create a cameracut track that contains only one shot with the first camera linked.
Expected: It should create the Cameracut track with all cameras and shots regard the version of the engine like it did in 4.20.
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There's no existing public thread on this issue, so head over to Questions & Answers just mention UE-82250 in the post.