Running anim modifiers that affect bone tracks can deadlock the editor when applied to multiple anim sequences. ...
When you select multiple notifies and attempt to replace them with another notify using "Replace with Notify", it will sometimes replace other random notifies and not the ones you have selected. ...
When using UV scrolling for a flipbook-like animation in Animation Sequence, creating keys with "Constant Tangent" settings on Curve Editor does not result in an instantaneous change to the specifie ...
Calling SetKeyTime in iterating KeyHandlesToIndices array can modify the array order, so it breaks the iterator. Perhaps ShiftCurve also has the same problem. Here is a work around: void FIndexedCu ...
When MotionExtrantorModifyer is applied to a skeletal mesh, it outputs an import error of AnimationModifierLibrary when the editor is launched. The project module and the AnimationModifierLibrary mo ...
In UE 5.5, the fix applied by CL 36529858 in ue5-main updated USkeletalMeshComponent::ClearAnimScriptInstance() to call AnimScriptInstance::UninitializeAnimation() on the animation instance. This, i ...
This issue is caused by the backout in 38341618. The original code that went into 5.0 affects serialization by changing the UCS modified properties. When upgrading, the override is lost because th ...
[Link Removed] you own this I believe, see the UDN for details about the leak. The UDN as screenshots of what functions they made to create the leak. I was unable to actually get this code path ...
When using UE_VLOG events in blueprint or in code, the rewind debugger does not show those events visually on the track or output those events to the details view. ...
When snapping for frames is turned on, dragging an anim notify state does not result to being snapped on a frame. ...