[AI] GameplayDebugger can be enabled by key press when a Slate widget is focused.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 12, 2021

Found by licensee. After debugging, it appears that the Slate input is consuming the KeyDown event which adds the apostrophe, but it passes the KeyUp event back to Player input. The gameplay debugge ...

Pasting an element into a Widget Blueprint hierarchy causes a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 23, 2021

Pasting an element into a Widget Blueprint after removing the canvas panel will result in a crash.  This has been tested with the border and button elements. This issue is occurring in //UE5/Releas ...

Using "Windows + Up Arrow" does not work before clicking window or change inputmode to UI or GameAndUI

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 19, 2021

"Win and Up Arrow" is shortcut for changing to fullscreen mode, but it does not work properly before clicking window or change input mode to UI or GameAndUI. probably, Win API caused this issue, an ...

InstanceDecorators of URichTextBlock is increased everytime add it to viewport

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 29, 2021

URichTextBlock::UpdateStyleData() does not check whether DecoratorClasses already had any specificed DecoratorClass. So every time you turn UMG on and off from the Viewport, Decorator Classes will i ...

Unicode Symbol issues on EditableText

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 28, 2021

The space between multi line text is gone in game when the text box is placed in a retainer box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 4, 2021

When using a Text Box with multiple lines inside a Retainer, the lines overlap with each other depending on the letters. It doesn't look this way in the Widget Designer. Additionally, it doesn't loo ...

Crash when copying and making a button widget the root of a second widget blueprint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 13, 2021

Pasting a button element from one Widget Blueprint into a second Widget Blueprint that has had its root Canvas Panel deleted results in a crash. The crash only occurs when the Canvas Panel is delete ...

Replace with child on subtree of the NamedSlot is broken after reloading a widget.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 5, 2021

"Replace with child" does not work well with the NamedSlot widget after reloading the widget blueprint in Contents Browser. ...

Image rendering is incorrect when RichTextBlock that displays an image is a child of Retainer Box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 29, 2021

This issue occurs when using an image with RichTextBlockImageDecorator for RichTextBlock. This displays RichTextBox of RetainerBox and RichTextBox as it is. In the case of UMG Editor, the image is ...