The SM_Statue exists in a bad state leading to a crash when it is loaded or anything that references it is loaded, e.g. Minimal Default level in the Starter Content. It can be deleted as a temporar ...
Can be mitigated by reopening the Level. There is a repro project provided by the licensee on the case ticket. ...
Can be mitigated by reopening the Level. There is a repro project provided by the licensee on the case ticket. ...
In UE 5.5 (and earlier versions), FCollisionResponse::operator== has incorrect behavior where it will detect that two collision response containers are identical if they have the same number of entr ...
When you call GetOuter() inside AssetUserData::PostEditChangeOwner, the Outer that is returned, is marked as "Trash". This is because the object is constructed again when an AssetUserData is added. ...
Currently, using the string "None" as a hierarchical node identifier inside a Gameplay Tag (for example "A.B.C.None.D.E.F") is not disallowed by the engine, but results in some incorrect behaviors. ...
There is some unexpected behaviour around GameFeature Plugins (GFPs) when packaging with chunking enabled most noticeable when using PrimaryAssetLabels (PALs). Firstly, PrimaryAssetLabels do not ap ...
FSuggestProjectileVelocityParameters was introduced in 5.4 and has a FCollisionResponseParams member that's initialized as a mutable reference to FCollisionResponseParams::DefaultResponseParam. str ...
When references to Gameplay Tags are loaded, it checks to see if they are already registered. If they are not already registered, it will notice it is invalid and may print a warning depending on th ...