In Niagara, Mesh Renderers expose a "Meshes" array for selecting the meshes to be rendered. On each array entry, a property "Mesh Parameter Binding" is available and allows the user to override that ...
Please see the Additional Link for related UDN information. The UV popping described can be subtle, depending on settings; it's affected by spawn rate and GPU vs CPU. The popping shown in the gif t ...
This user made a github pull request: [Link Removed] but it was auto rejected. I think that we can consider taking their fixes, but keeping it disabled by default. ...
NiagaraSystem with EEiagaraGpuComputeTickStage::PostInitViews should not have bSupportsParallelGDME because of possible multi-threaded contention, but FNiagaraSystemInstanceController::GetGpuCompute ...
Foreword: Even if the behavior described here is by design, it is rarely (if ever) expected or desired. This was discussed and agreed to be treated as a bug. Explanation below. When interpolated sp ...
As one clicks on the enum fields trying to form an input, the log is written with a variation of the following: [2025.02.14-17.42.38:940][521]LogNiagaraEditor: Error: Error getting default value fo ...
When a large scale value (e.g. 500) is set on the NiagaraActor, the mesh particle is unexpectedly hidden. This may be a side effect of the following change ([Link Removed]). PrimitiveData.NonUnifo ...
In the Android Vulkan Mobile preview mode, when multiple GPU niagara systems are visible and the user moves the camera around the level it can cause a crash, potentially caused by a race condition o ...
When a Niagara System has SimTarget set to GPUCompute Sim, CameraQuery is only returning data from the Player0 camera, regardless of PlayerControllerIndex. The expected behavior would be to have the ...
Currently, Niagara Components are only expected to have their TickComponent() method called when their system is marked as "Solo", which makes them be simulated individually. In the most common scen ...