When UPrimitiveComponent::CreateDynamicMaterialInstance is called on a skinned mesh, and the input material is invalid, we call USkinnedMeshComponent::GetMaterial to get the base material on the exi ...
StaticMeshActors placed in the world can override the default materials of a static mesh. If the static mesh is then reimported with less materials, the actors maintain references to unused material ...
We reset BoneTransformUpdateMethodQueue in USkinnedMeshComponent::CreateRenderState_Concurrent and USkinnedMeshComponent::SendRenderDynamicData_Concurrent but these code paths are never called in se ...
When a mip level higher than 0 is requested in VisualizeTexture, the engine will crash. The root cause appears to be VisualizeTexture.cpp:924, on which an incorrect mip level is used to read a non-m ...
When rendering runtime virtual texture pages without throttling (when r.VT.MaxUploadsPerFrame is high or during Movie RenderQueue captures) the number of FRDGBuffers allocated by the Render Graph Bu ...
AActor::WasRecentlyRendered() and UPrimitiveComponent::GetLastRenderTimeOnScreen() both still trigger when a skeletal mesh (occluded behind a wall) re-enters the player's view frustum after being ou ...
The game crashes because of a nullptr SkinnedMeshComponent in FSkeletalMeshObjectGPUSkin::GetUsedVertexFactoryData when r.PSOPrecache.Resources is enabled and a skeletal mesh is loaded due to a new ...
UInstancedStaticMeshComponent::CreateSceneProxy() is missing a LLM_SCOPE(ELLMTag::InstancedMesh); and during level loading allocations for it appear in LoadMapMisc instead of InstancedMesh. Addi ...
When working on the level editor viewport or testing on PIE, the visual appearance of additive/translucent lit materials changes significantly (and abruptly) when varying the camera FOV or the viewp ...
The game can crash when one thread clears RunTimeToPSOUsage while another thread is expecting it to contain a PSO it is registering stats for. Thread A: calls CacheGraphicsPSO() Thread B: calls C ...