Materials with "Used With Hair Strands" enabled will cause Skeletal Meshes to draw twice in the Base Pass. ...
When Megalights is enabled, light can leak into areas that should be occluded for lights with smallish (5.0) source length and source size. [Image Removed][Image Removed] This was taken with r.Ray ...
Translucent materials do not receive specular highlights and reflections from Ambient Cubemaps set in Post-Process settings. There is a pass"InjectTranslucencyLightingVolumeAmbientCubemap" that sho ...
Support for editor-exposed uproperties of type TOptional<T> has been added by CL 28199740 on september 2023. However, since then until today in UE 5.5, a crash can happen when exposing TOptional<FNa ...
In editor, WorldDataLayers acceleration table used to map DL Names to DL instances is not created. The main reason was to avoid to handle all the case where it would need to be updated. When UDataL ...
Origin from this UDN ticket, TLDR is th ...
Licensee reported problem via UDN. Context GameplayCues ('cue') are events that can be fired by game code, that are identified via a GameplayTag. Cues can be instantaneous or can be a state on any ...
Hi there, I noticed that there is a problem with Montage Section links not updating when a section is deleted from a montage asset. We had a montage with a "Default" section and a "Loop" section. ...
Whenever we have a non zero setting for r.VT.SplitPhysicalPoolSize, then mesh painting doesn't function correctly. ...
Context: In a World partition level, to reduce complexity and provide a scalable solution when creating new projects, grid cell streaming can be enabled. Problem: The problem is that physics constr ...