The ResavePackages commandlet can be used to batch resave assets. The ResaveClass and IncludeChildClasses options let one resave all assets of a specific parent class. The problem is that blueprint ...
Using GeoMerge on fragments of a GeometryCollection (GC) will create a new single particle while removing the old particles, but although you end up with less particles, the disk file size of the GC ...
The ChaosCacheManager (CCM) changes the bSimulatePhysics flag from the ObservedComponents and, if deleted, the change will persist, what can lead to confusion as observed physical entities will inad ...
A welded hierarchy blocks updates to collision settings on all but the root primitive. Calling SetCollisionResponseToChannel on the children won't work. The licensee noticed that IPhysicsProxyBase* ...
Calling BodyInstance.UpdateBodyScale displays erratic behaviors and does not update the rendering scale. The licensee has reported and presented a repro project that displays the erratic behavior of ...
Changing the state of a PrimitiveComponent->BodyInstance while SetSimulatePhysics(false) updates the game thread but does not update the physics behavior. In the repro project provided (see addl in ...
When UMaterialInstanceConstant::UpdateCachedData() updates CachedExpressionData.PropertyConnectedMask for material instances with layers incorrectly, it can lead to various graphical issues includin ...
When an animation is currently blending out due to automatic blend out or GameplayLogic, further StopMontage with specific BlendOut will not update the time to blend out of the current blending out ...
Motion Warping component is disappearing on Editor restart or when swapping engine versions. When this occurs, the BP has the following Compiler Results messages: Component class is not set for'Mot ...
Currently, using the string "None" as a hierarchical node identifier inside a Gameplay Tag (for example "A.B.C.None.D.E.F") is not disallowed by the engine, but results in some incorrect behaviors. ...