the cable actor does not dynamically deform when the cable actor's parent mesh moves. Instead, the cable actor becomes rigid between the meshes it's bound between. This bug does not occur in the fo ...
When restarting the editor the viewport will have its Allow Cinematic Control flag reset to true. ...
First picture lit is used [Image Removed] Second picture PT is used, this occurs under certain angles of incidence. [Image Removed] ...
Regression in testing This occurs with hardware and software ray tracing, as well as moveable and static lights This occurs regardless of anti aliasing. This was tested with DX12 ...
Regression tested in 5.1 at CL 23901901 where the issue still occurs. The material will still have the normal and reflective properties. ...
We should disable this block of code by default, with a config/console var to enable it: // Transform to Component Space const FTransform RootToComponent = RootTransformRefPose.Inverse(); StartTran ...
An ensure (ensure( !PersistentLayout->PrimaryArea.IsValid() )[Image Removed] is firing in FTabManager::PersistLayout() sometimes when docking/undocking quickly. ...
For a non-replicated actor, the expected values for its local and remote roles would be ROLE_Authority and ROLE_None respectively. However, in ULevel::InitializeNetworkActors, ExchangeNetRoles(true) ...