(User provided info) Crash (check fail critical error) if you try to load a UTexture's data (eg UpdateResource() or PlatformData .. Mip .. Lock/GetCopy) inside a PostLoad of anything during an Open ...
When "Use Single Process" and "Use Less CPU when in Background" are checked off, running a dedicated server in PIE will cause an ensure on exit Regression: Yes - Behavior does not occur in binary 4 ...
The assert message in CheckAddress is as follows:"Attempting to add a container element (%p) which already comes from the container (%p, ArrayMax: %d, ArrayNum: %d, SizeofElement: %d)!" This assert ...
No known crash with users I had been in contact with on the latest PhysX plugin for 3dxMax or Maya. I've had a few posts dealing with using Apex and assigning cloth assets with no crashing so I feel ...
If you create a parameter collection node in a material and select a parameter from the drop down and then copy and paste that node a _1 will be appended to the end of the parameter collection varia ...
Attempting to use a post increment operator in a TMap or TSet iterator will fail to compile with error shown in callstack field. This is due to the post-increment operator not being overridden in M ...
Remote building for iOS/tvOS is leaving behind generated files which can cause various compile issues when creating different projects in different streams with the same name (MyProject, MyProject1, ...
It currently takes two attempts to clear the default text from a Text Block widget. The first time you try, the property will repopulate with the previous string. ...
Crash when element is added to a map variable with unhashable key. An error is thrown on compile but an element can still be added under the Details panel of the variable. Crash Reporter: [Link Rem ...
Attempting to build the Engine using Visual Studio 2017 will fail if Visual Studio 2013 is also installed on the same computer. If Visual Studio 2013 is uninstalled, or if the computer has Visual St ...