Sibling subsequences interfere with each other if they have different hierarchical biases

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 10, 2022

It seems we are trying to factor for the other transform track, but it will not be applied due to the biases. ...

Push based, COND_InitialOnly property can fail to be replicated when actor becomes relevant again

UE - Networking - Jun 9, 2022

COND_InitialOnly properties can be resent when an actor becomes relevant to a client again. However, if the property is push based and it was never replicated the first time the actor was created on ...

Replicated subobject won't be recorded in replay checkpoints if it has no replicated properties

UE - Networking - Jun 8, 2022

Because the subobject's RepLayout is empty, it won't write anything to the bunch when recording a replay checkpoint. This means that when scrubbing to a time past a checkpoint, the destroyed subobje ...

GPU Lightmass ignores IES Profiles on Static Lights while building lighting

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 8, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 GPU Lightmass ignores IES Profiles on Static Lights while building lighting. Tested with different Global Illumination and Reflection s ...

Some Niagara Fluid systems are not visible in a packaged project

UE - Niagara - Jun 7, 2022

Previously packaging caused a crash with this system. This was fixed, but now the system is no longer visible when packaged. ...

Crash when changing details of an animation in an Animation Composite

UE - Anim - Jun 7, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 Fatal error is thrown and the Editor crashes when changing details of an animation in an Animation Composite. ...

D3D validation error about resources being deleted while in use

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jun 7, 2022

We believe this is a bug in the D3D validation layer, rather than an actual error in our code. We're in touch with Microsoft about it, but I'll make this ticket to track the progress of that investi ...

"Windows Principal functionality is not supported on this platform" when packaging for iOS on Mac

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 7, 2022

Thread here: ...

Assertion thrown when selecting the Input Preview arrow within a collapsed node within the Material Graph

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 6, 2022

This is a regression testing in //UE4/Release-5.0 CL#18319896 Assertion thrown when selecting the Input Preview arrow within a collapsed node within the Material Graph. ...

[CrashReport]libUnrealEditor-RenderCore!FRDGEventScopeOpArray::Execute(FRDGBreadcrumbState&) [RenderGraphEvent.cpp:149]

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jun 6, 2022

Generated from CrashReporter Error Message:Assertion failed: !EnumHasAnyFlags(StencilAccess, AnyCopy) [File:./Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanBarriers.cpp] [Line: 439] Only the Stencil being transi ...