Category for a task blueprint(BTTask_BuleprintBase) does not appear in behavior tree's context menu after reopening a project, if the task is not placed in the behavior tree. User needs to open the ...
Setting size of GameViewportClient gives different results on Android than in Editor OpenGL ES renders with the viewport origin in the bottom left, so that's potentially related to the problem. A ...
Project fails to package when a pass by reference node is connected to a pass by reference node ...
Set Array Elem is missing the Item checkbox when connected to an existing array variable that was created separately. The checkbox is present if the Set Array Elem is created off of the array variab ...
Using Straighten Connections shortcut can cause the editor to crash after removing node pins. This appears to be due to GetGraphPinForMenu returning the last pin selected (in this case, the removed ...
Particle systems will appear very blurry once deployed to an IOS device. The particle system looks correct while using the mobile preview. Another important note is that if a static mesh is in the s ...
A licensee reported a crash happening when the engine shuts down. We determined it only occurred when invalidation panels are used, likely caused by a call to ClearChildren on a canvas panel in an i ...
Calling Get Material Index node with an invalid slot name will produce a return value of -1. Passing this value to a Get Material node causes the editor to crash. ...
After enabling "Support Deferred Rendering with Metal" and then launching to an IOS device (in this case iphone 6+) the game will no longer open and run. REGRESSION? Yes Worked in Binary 4.13.2 C ...
If an array element is removed from a make array node, using the shortcut for Straighten Connections has no effect until after the Actions menu is opened via right-click then closed. ...