The car is flipping over the last hill on the TM-VehSpeedTests map ...
A crash occurs when creating a Render Target 2d and setting the texture target at runtime. After running some more tests, the crash seems to occur when setting the texture target, as the creation o ...
cmd.exe is returning a "The system cannot find the path specified." error when the automationtool is looking for PLINK.exe. That executable should be located in \UE_4.15\Engine\Extras\ThirdPartyNotU ...
Blueprint Diff doesn't find the difference in changed Child Actor Components in duplicated Child Actors. This seems to be contained to Child Actor Components that are inherited by a Child Actor Clas ...
The field of view track of a Cine Camera Actor does not work in Sequencer. Note The setting, Field of View, is not in the details panel and can only be accessed through the track in Sequencer. T ...
This is a regression from 4.14.3 ...
PhysicsBallBP is unable to teleport via a collision volume (with either SetActorLocation or Teleport node). Regression: Error is not present in 4.14.3 but is present in 4.15.P3 Console error descr ...
VR Notification events do not appear to fire. In the given test using HMD Put On Head Delegate the event does not appear to fire off when the user puts on the headset. This appears to happen with al ...
When Real-Time Thumbnails are enabled in the content browser and you have many blueprints with static meshes (or anything that is rendered in the blueprint's viewport), the real-time tooltips cause ...
Trying to open a project that uses the Script Plugin in a binary version of the Engine that has been created from an Engine built from source code will fail. The Engine is looking for the file Unrea ...