When you attempt to access MIDIDeviceController.h in your own project, it'll fail when you include it. This is the main error, while the other is a syntax error: missing type specifier - int assume ...
After running "showdebug rawinput", axis properties will not be visible in the debug information on screen, until the user makes input on the non-XInput device. ...
this crash was encountered during the mobile compat for 4.15. So far, just this device has been affected. ...
This is occurring on device 2888_KindleFireHD8.9" This is a regression from 4.14 ...
REGRESSION No, occurs in 4.14.3 In VehicleGame, if the user runs a "showdebug" command (such as "showdebug animation" or *showdebug rawinput") while the starting countdown is going on, all input wi ...
When an instance is removed from a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh's array, if there are indices that are further along in the array that fill that index, the last index in the array is used to d ...
Font outlines render underneath the text, meaning that partially transparent text will allow the outline color to show through. This can be avoided by enabling Separate Fill Alpha. However, that opt ...
We don't currently multiply by the parent widget's color and opacity when calculating the color and opacity of a text block's outline. Since color and opacity are precalculated before the outline is ...
This was discovered during the 4.15 mobile compat. ...
The 'Random Pitch Angle' setting within the Foliage instance settings are being overridden or ignored when 'Collision with World' is also enabled. This occurs in the binary releases of 4.12.5, 4.13 ...