Material Billboards for SpeedTree assets are rendering with the incorrect material. This can occur to any pre-existing project, or a new project with imported SpeedTree content using both 3d LODs an ...
UMG textfield crash with using Metal after switching screens and spamming a UMG text field. User provided an example video for reference. Link: [Link Removed] ...
If the user modifies the "Y" Rotation value of a Static Mesh's Collision, the "X" and "Z" values are changed. The values will move +/- 1 point from their value prior to modifying the Y value. This ...
When using Forward Shading for the project, if you assign a source target to a SceneCapture2D and use either BaseColor in RGB or Normal in RGB the editor will crash. Tested with: Broken: 4.14.1 B ...
The projectiles in QAGame are no longer colliding with the static mesh in the QA-Promotion map. ...
The auto generate mips feature for render targets doesn't seem to work. The generated mips render black. ...
Attempting to launch a packaged Google VR game on android causes the game to crash. This has occurred on two other devices. This occurs in Main as well as Dev-VR. ...
Issue is due to pause flags getting recycled when new sound sources are used from the sound source pool. This is a regression since 4.13, causing audio to pop. ...
Attempting to package a project using Nativize Blueprint Assets that contains delegates that have the same output parameters (such as binding an event to the OnCanvasRenderTargetUpdate event as show ...
It seems for some reason that animations from the Infiltrator demo, do not export when export is selected from the content browser. Workaround: However if export is selected from persona the animat ...