If an Actor blueprint contains a particle system component (PSC), the Level bounds behave differently based on if the particle template is / is not Null. If the template is Null, Level Bounds stret ...
This occurs because the 'LightmapUVBias' and 'ShadowmapUVBias' struct fields (deprecated) are initialized in UInstancedStaticMeshComponent::SetupNewInstanceData() to nonzero vectors, but as these pr ...
Audio and video are not playing on Xbox One. This issue affects both MultiTrack and Single-Source media sources. Debug text output meant to display the audio / video track currently being played i ...
This was discovered when I wanted to capture a physics bug and was joked to capture it in Sequencer. When attempted, it accurately captured what happened when played in the viewport, but when it was ...
Sounds with the 'Enable Listener Focus' setting checked are not updating the Listener Position when using the 'Stat Sounds' console command during play. ...
With Update Rate Optmizations enabled, animations will sometimes update more quickly than whatever the Frame Skip Map is set. ...
When an animation is skipping frames, interpolation will not occur if the Max Evaluation Rate is set to the same number as the number of frames being skipped (or 1 frame higher). The Eval Rate will ...
When attempting to play an mp4 video in the medial player the engine will crash. I've tested another video that didn't cause a crash. It is also in the movies folder in the project file attached. ...
A crash occurs after enabling 'Forward Shading' on Macs. The crash is triggered after creating a new material and attempting to modify that material. Regression? No, this crash also occurs in the 4 ...
Blueprint Library plugin set to 'Runtime' doesn't work in Standalone/packaged builds if used inside of the 1st Person Character BP. User Description: Blueprint libraries are still broken in the fi ...