Setting a single axis of an ISM negative results in navmesh not being generated on top of it. However, setting 2 axes to negative scale does have the navmesh generate as is expected. Also see more ...
This is a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 Opaque material assigned to a Material Billboard attached to a Pawn renders differently against the Sky/Infinity when moving. Tested ag ...
From licensee: If StrideScale is 1 the first time through, it initialises the StrideScaleModifierState to 1 and doesn't require updating so leaves the CachedDeltaTime at 0 by never calling Update_I ...
If there are multiple copies of an input on the graph, when it is renamed, all the connections are broken and rerouted to a single node, orphaning the rest on the graph. I believe this may be a dupl ...
If a device has no available input or output devices, activating an Audio Capture component will cause the device to crash. Occurs in Editor and Runtime. Assertion failed: NumTotalFrames > 0 [File:E ...
OnExecutorFinishedDelegateNative and OnExecutorFinishedDelegate broadcasting an bFatal into a bSuccess parameter which is inverted. Canceling a render should be considered an error, not a success. ...
If an actor contains multiple primitive components, it uses all of them for calculating navigation bounds even if some of the primitives are not marked as navigation relevant. Toggling navigation re ...