Importing Vehicle content corrupts SportsCar_AnimBP

UE - Content - Template - Apr 28, 2022

If the player imports the Vehicles pack into a blank project some of the cars blueprints will be corrupt and cannot be loaded. This appears to only happen to the Animation blueprints. ...

Running VR Template with DirectX11 and Instanced Stereo causes massive memory leaks

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 28, 2022

Massive memory leak occurs when using dx11 in the VR Template. The memory leak maxed at 18GB after hour and a half. This issue does not happen with dx12, Metal or Vulkan. Issue does not occur when I ...

CoreRedirect between modules could support specific package + outer

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 27, 2022

More details in slack: [Link Removed] ...

TArray64 RangeCheck prints the incorrect error messages for values over 32-bit length

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 27, 2022

TArray64 RangeCheck prints the incorrect error messages for values over 32 bit. Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 and the issue did occur there, it is not a regressi ...

Animation Montage Details Panel Closes When Attempting to Update Animation Segment Data

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 27, 2022

Occurs 5/5 times. Details panel in Animation Montage goes blank when fields (Start Time, End Time, Play Rate, Loop count) are clicked in to update data. This defect also occurs when clicking in th ...

Unable to multiple a Vector2D with a float in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 27, 2022

Reported by licensee: [Link Removed] In UE4, we used Multiply_Vector2DFloat as the underlying function for this operation. In UE5, we're relying on promotable operators to the work. However, that o ...

Cook fails when a MetaSound Source object is referenced utilizing FObjectFinder in C++

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Apr 27, 2022

Android Cook fails when a MetaSound Source object is referenced utilizing FObjectFinder in C++ Repro Rate: 3/3 UATHelper: Cooking (Android (ASTC)): LogInit: Display: LogMetaSound: Error: Target int ...

Material expression called Compiler->TextureParameter() without implementing UMaterialExpression::GetReferencedTexture properly

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 27, 2022

when trying to replace a Material Function instance, with another instance, as the base color of a material within the Material Graph, the editor crashes with the following error:Assertion failed: ...

Get wrong primitive scene data on mobile preview with GPUScene enabled

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Apr 27, 2022