EQS spheres are not fading correctly where red = 0 and green = 1 This is a regression as it is working correctly in 4.13.2 at CL 3145013 ...
Lighting is invalidated with levels that have been duplicated or Saved As. The maps that are created are immediately marked dirty and need to be resaved vs how they were in 4.12.5 where they wouldn' ...
Framerate drops significantly when attempting to import heightmaps. Once the heightmap is imported this error is no longer prevalent, but during the preview there is a ~80-100 FPS drop. Regression ...
A user has reported that their dedicated server experienced a curlhttp crash after updating to 4.13.1 and left running for an extended period of time. Crash not reproduced internally. ...
In the first person template, when playing in viewport, the player starts facing in the opposite direction from where the in-level pawn is facing before PIE. So far, I can only reproduce the issue ...
When making changes to the properties of the paint mode (paint color, brush settings, etc.) the actions are not logged into the undo history and therefore cannot be undone. Attached is the screensh ...
Print String does not persist when called on Event Tick within a Cinematic Camera Actor Blueprint. This could be problematic if users have a cinematic camera in their blueprints and using Event Tic ...
Following error is displayed in the output log when trying to compile for tvOS:LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: In file included from /Users/engineqa/UE4/Builds/RDU-WD-7313/D/Build/joseph.wysosky_Main ...
Editor seems to crash upon launching to a Galaxy Note 4 with the following error: [2016.09.28-15.52.40:824][-7215064]Assertion failed: Assertion failed: [Link Removed] [Line: 1147] May be relate ...
Crash occurs when saving a destructible mesh after creating it from a static mesh. ...