Warning is as follows: Warning Spent 0.5s repairing painted vertex colors due to static mesh re-imports! This will happen every load until the maps are resaved. ...
The following load error is seen in ElementalDemo: Error /Engine/EngineMeshes/ParticleCube : Can't find file for asset. /Game/Materials/AbsoluteWorldPositionOffset_PNTriTess ...
We encountered this issue during the Mobile Compat pass for 4.13 4.12 FPS/FR: 60/16 4.13 FPS/FR: 47/20 ...
We encountered this issue while checking data for the Mobile Compat pass on 4.13. Galaxy S6 4.12 FPS/FR: 54/18.5 Galaxy S6 4.13 FPS/FR: 24/41 Galaxy S6 Edge 4.12 FPS/FR: 53/18 Galaxy S6 Edge 4.13 ...
Audio is inconsistent between PIE and standalone game. When the user is in PIE, attenuation appears to be working as expected, but when in standalone game there appears to be no attenuation. ...
UObjectProperty properties within a UActorComponent class aren't exposed for editing in the Details panel when choosing to edit native component defaults in the BP editor. ...
Following warnings are showing in the Message Log after PIE: Warning Constraint SingleAnimSkeletalActor_7 attempting to create a joint between two actors in different scenes. No joint created. Wa ...
See this youtube video for reference [Link Removed] 8 to 14 seconds ...
The repro steps are very similar to https://jira.ol.epicgames.net/browse/UE-34241 except that you have to save the static mesh before switching back to the particle editor. ...
I first experienced this on my Linux machine using a P4 build. I checked it against Windows in DX11 and did not experience the issue. Afterwards, I followed the above repro steps and saw it was occ ...