editor crashes when variable inside of a struct is set to a class type then the object is moved to a new folder

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 17, 2015

If a struct has a variable set to a class type, then the object of that class type is moved to a new folder in the editor, the struct will replace the class type with "class", which causes the edito ...

Converted 4.7.2 project crashes on open after successful recompile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 13, 2015

User's Project is crashing since converting to 4.7.2. I have attached the project itself below, but after conversations with the user and seeing pieces of the project, this issue may be related to ...

DLC Package content isn't recognized when using RequestAsyncLoad

UE - Foundation - Core - May 24, 2016

Attempting to load dlc assets with RequestAsyncLoad function results in the assets not being recognized. ...