CrossCompileTool module fails to build due to missing include

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 24, 2016

The include for VulkanConfiguration.h was added to VulkanBackend.h, which is one of the external dependencies for the CrossCompileTool. This include is not complete however. This results in this mod ...

Building for Gear VR Distribution fails due to missing Oculus lib

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 7, 2017

Users have reported that building for Distribution on Gear VR results in failure due to a missing Oculus library. The error they receive is as follows: UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): [javac ...

Using Snap Rotation displays the Rotation wrong (or calculates the Rotation wrong and losses precision) when the Y rotation axis is 90 degrees

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Nov 7, 2019

Although the Details Panel shows the degrees wrong, the object seems to have done it's rotation correctly but not in the right degrees. It will rotate to the position specified but it goes the wrong ...

Alembic Hair Doesn't Render In Both Eyes In VR

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 20, 2019

Alembic hair doesn't render in the right eye in VR. A demonstration project can be found [Link Removed]. NOTE: The hair is rendered as an overlay in other editor previews (skeletal mesh, Physics). ...

Cannot Increment an Element of an Array

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 15, 2016

Attempting to increment the value of an array element does not seem to work, and instead returns the original value that was passed into the increment int node. Found in 4.11.1 binary. Reproduced i ...

When encrypt assets and packaging ,crash at game startup

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 11, 2017

When ShooterGame project is packed from RunUAT.bat, if you give encryption option, crash occurs at game startup. Without granting the encryption option crash does not occur. This occur. This problem ...

Applying Reverb does not work in Audio Volume

UE - Audio - Oct 29, 2019

In current and future versions of the engine, the reverb does not work as intended in the Audio Volume Tested in 4.22.3 (CL - 7043647), 4.23.1 (CL - 9631420), 4.24 (CL - 9846303), 4.25 (CL - 98464 ...

Using Custom Primitive Data as Final Colour in a UI Material crashes the engine with a missing uniform buffer

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 3, 2024

Using custom primitive data as an input in a UI material causes the engine to crash in the RHI thread. The exact crash is "Missing uniform buffer at slot 1, stage SF_Pixel." at Engine\Source\Runtime ...

UV merging issue when merging meshes with multiple materials

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Jul 15, 2019

See for more details Repro: -Have a mesh with 3 sections and 3 materials, assign section 1 to material 1 and section 2&3 to material 3. -Pla ...

Dialog Subtitles randomly Disappear or Display out of Sync

UE - Audio - Sep 8, 2016

Dialog Subtitles display out of order or disappear when called to the screen. The users reporting the issue believe this could be due to the priority of the Sound Waves conflicting with one another ...