BP class variables aren't created for component templates not loaded in an uncooked server build due to component class NeedsLoadForServer() API override.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 6, 2016

See UDN thread for details. Essentially we need to ensure that class variables are created for SCS components even if the template isn't loaded as a result of a NeedsLoadForServer() API override. O ...

Animated FBX with no bones imports with jittery rotation

Tools - Jun 6, 2016

Animated FBX with no bones imports with jittery rotation ...

Updating project to 4.12 corrupts Additive AimOffset thumbnail, causing log spam

OLD - Anim - Jun 6, 2016

Updating project to 4.12 corrupts Additive AimOffset thumbnail, causing log spamLogAnimation:Warning: Setting an additive animation (Owen_AimOffset) on an AnimSingleNodeInstance is not allowed. This ...

Set World Scale 3D on Attached Actor Allows Character to Jump Through Collision

UE - Gameplay - Jun 6, 2016

The collision of the cube static mesh is not blocking the character after Setting World Scale 3D while it is attached to another actor using the AttachToActor node. ...

Crash when using Landscape when building lighting with commandlet

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 6, 2016

When using the new Rebuild Lighting commandlet will cause a crash with any level that builds when it has a landscape in the scene. https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/f89256dd0efb7d0b ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!StaticAllocateObject() [uobjectglobals.cpp:2153]

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 3, 2016

Really close to the repro steps for [Link Removed] Same repro steps produced the following Buggs along with this one: [Link Removed] [Link Removed] Error message: Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Lin ...

After compile, spawnable actor is stuck in spawned state

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 3, 2016

After compile, spawnable actor is stuck in spawned state ...

No collision is generated on PaperTileMapComponents that are generated at runtime

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jun 3, 2016

When a PaperTileMapComponent is generated at runtime, the collision that it should have is not generated along with it. This can (oddly) be remedied by selecting the component itself in the details ...

FSlateApplication::OnControllerAnalog triggers a MouseLeftClick event to be added to the input stack.

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jun 3, 2016

It appears that FSlateApplication::OnControllerAnalog triggers a left mouse click to occur on mobile platforms. If developers haven't properly avoided hooking up delegates to the InputComponent for ...