[CrashReport] UE4Editor_LevelEditor!FLevelEditorActionCallbacks::Paste_CanExecute() [leveleditoractions.cpp:1602]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 17, 2017

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: GEditor->GetSele ...

Hot reload causes placed actor to lose variable references

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Nov 9, 2017

Preforming a hot reload causes placed actors to lose code based variable settings. More repro steps: 1. Open UE4Editor.exe 2. Create a First Person Code project 3. Build the project for Developme ...

Using a Macro to access a variable from another Actor causes a crash in Standalone

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 8, 2015

Using a Macro to access a variable from another Actor causes a crash in Standalone. This does not seem to affect any other preview in editor, nor packaged games. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8 Preview 4, ...

Ongoing D3D 'HUNG' crash in FD3D11DynamicRHI::GetQueryData

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 18, 2017

This is a new ticket for the D3D 'HUNG' crash originally reported in [Link Removed]. Some fixes were introduced in 4.14.2 that decreased the occurrences of this crash, but other cases are still ongo ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!VerifyD3D11Result() [d3d11util.cpp:200]

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 9, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 200] SwapChain->ResizeBuffers(1,SizeX,SizeY ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!FLandscapeEditDataInterface::SetAlphaData() [landscapeeditinterface.cpp:2617]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 8, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 ( ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-SlateCore.dylib!SWidget::FindChildGeometry(FGeometry const&, TSharedRef<SWidget,()

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jul 20, 2017

This is a common crash affecting Mac users in 4.16, and going back at least to 4.11. This seems to be a continuation of [Link Removed], which was closed as cannot repro. User Descriptionswas looki ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FSceneRenderTargets::GetGBufferResourcesUniformBuffer() [scenerendertargets.h:408]

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 18, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: IsValidRef(GBuff ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!USceneComponent::UpdateComponentToWorldWithParent() [scenecomponent.cpp:492]

UE - Gameplay - Components - Aug 29, 2017

This is a common and longstanding crash that has occurred since at least 4.12 and affected more than 400 users. User DescriptionsWas following the first Blueprint tutorial and dragged the geometry ...

Android app will get crashed if it disable HDR and run with Vulkan API

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 17, 2018

The backtrace is: F/DEBUG   : backtrace: F/DEBUG   :     #00 pc 00070e22  /vendor/lib/hw/vulkan.msm8994.so (A4xCommandBuffer::HwProcessWorkload(QglWorkload*)+585) F/DEBUG   :     #01 pc 0004758d  / ...