LIVE: A Local Variable cannot have its type changed if another local variable with the same name in a different function is in use

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 6, 2014

Two local variables with the same name in two different functions still interact with each other in some way. This was reported in TTP 346132 and fixed in that case, but currently if a local variabl ...

UMG Animations Scale Retainer Boxes When Only Translating them

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 28, 2020

When translating a retainer box in an UMG animation the scale of the retainer box is also affected. Attached is a 4.23 example project. Found in 4.24.3 CL#11590370 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9631420, ...

Scroll Bars for Certain Editor Windows are Reversed when using Trackpad on Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Mar 25, 2015

Certain scroll bars within the Editor while on a Mac have their directions reversed. i.e. The 'World Outliner', the 'Details' panel within a 'Blueprint.' The suggested workaround I gave to the user ...

Crash When Assigning a Static Mesh to the "Sample Static Mesh" Module

UE - Niagara - Jun 28, 2018

When assigning a static mesh to the "Sample Static Mesh" module, the engine will crash as soon as you select a mesh and click "Fix Now". If the mesh already has CPU access enabled it will crash as s ...

Forward Shading: Scene Capture 2D crash when assigning a RGB Capture Source

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 12, 2016

When using Forward Shading for the project, if you assign a source target to a SceneCapture2D and use either BaseColor in RGB or Normal in RGB the editor will crash. Tested with: Broken: 4.14.1 B ...

Edits of node properties that are not stored on pins do not diff correctly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 2, 2015

Currently details changes to the following are not noticed by the Diff tool when diffing AnimBPs:State Machines (i.e. Max transitions per frame)Transition rulesConduitsStates This also affects non- ...

Bluerpint nativization failed for calling TMap::Find function of a map container with an enum type key

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 2, 2020

Followings are nodes in the repro project. [Image Removed] Here's a generated code of the BPvoid ANewBlueprint_C__pf1010915279::bpf__NewFunction_0__pf() { uint8 bpfv__CallFunc_GetInt_NewParam ...

Imported FBX causes a crash

Tools - Apr 22, 2016

Edit MattK: This seems like more of a cooking issue than an fbx issue. The crash is related to nav collision When adding a FBX import into your project, if you do not close the project out and ope ...

Execution reroute nodes become wildcard reroute nodes when creating a second reroute node off the same execution pin

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 21, 2015

Execution reroute nodes become wildcard reroute nodes when creating a second reroute node off the same execution pin. Note: this does not appear to affect their functionality as execution reroute no ...

Fog Does Not Behave As Expected in Splitscreen

UE - Graphics Features - May 25, 2018

This bug seems to repro very inconsistently for me, but I've seen it affect Atmospheric Fog and Exponential Height Fog, and reproduced in 4.18.3, 4.19.2, and Main CL 4093338. I've attached Config fi ...