When setting a key variable to none (without setting it to anything else first) the variable will return "(" instead of none ...
Widgets with a UI Material that uses Custom Stencil will not render meshes with a set stencil. This is working as expected in 4.19 CL# 4033788. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4541578, and 4.22 ...
Engine crashes if Blend Multi node output is connected to final transition node, and no input is connected to Blend Multi node input parameters. [Image Removed] ...
Packaging that involves a comilation process in the Binary editor causes custom Windows icons to be ignored in packaged games. This could either be seen in a Code project or in a Blueprint Only proj ...
Setting the text on a comment box creates two Rename Node transactions in the Undo History This issue occurs when setting the comment text of a comment in any graph (blueprint, material, control ri ...
Right now USoftObjectProperty does not implement NetSerializeItem so it falls back to the implementation in UObjectPropertyBase. This only works correctly if the object happens to be in memory, othe ...
Setting "Keep State" for an animation in sequencer makes the sequence behave differently in Sequencer and in Play Mode. The animations appear to be blending together instead of having normal transit ...
Attempting to add a new code class to a project that is not correctly set up for IWYU (such as an older project that may not have been properly modified for IWYU when upgrading) will result in the b ...
Using a High DPI monitor with a multiple players PIE window results in the 2nd PIE window not saving its location when moved around. Using a monitor with a smaller DPI scale the 2nd window will save ...