Copy/pasting a Custom Event that has input names containing spaces will create a Custom Event with extra inputs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 4, 2015

Copy/pasting a Custom Event that has input names containing spaces will create a Custom Event with extra inputs. It appears that an input name with a space in it will be copied as two inputs, the fi ...

UV Layout Changes on export from Engine to Maya and Max

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jan 19, 2015

The UV layout of a Mesh is altered slightly when exported from the engine. It becomes more noticeable on objects as their UV Islands shrink in size. Given a default full 0-1 unwrap it looks like t ...

FBX Transform does not scale skeletal mesh with multiple pieces properly using the Import Uniform Scale option

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Aug 15, 2016

Importing a skeletal mesh fbx from blender and setting the Import Uniform Scale option for the mesh to a higher value, like 100, results in only one of the meshes being scaled while the other is lef ...

Setting multiple identical actors to replicate movement will crash on PIE with multiple players

UE - Networking - Jan 28, 2015

If ten or more of the same actor in a level have the "replicate movement" checkbox set to true, the editor will crash on PIE if the number of players is set to 2 (or with 1/2/3 players if dedicated ...

Audio in animation editor does not work properly

OLD - Anim - Apr 21, 2017

There are multiple issues with the code at present 1) The animation preview world listener is not updated. This can be solved with the following override on AnimationEditorViewportClient (Following ...

The DefaultSceneRoot's tooltip claims adding a new scene component will automatically replace it as the new root, but this is no longer true

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 24, 2015

The DefaultSceneRoot's tooltip claims, "Adding a new scene component will automatically replace it as the new root", but this is no longer true in 4.8 and 4.9. Instead, the DefaultSceneRoot remains ...

Edit-> Project Settings -> Collision -> Presets Has No Scroll Bar

Tools - Sep 30, 2015

If you open a project and immediately go to Edit-> Project Settings -> Collision and expand the Presets dropdown, no scroll bar will appear. This prevents you from being able to see all of the optio ...

Camera Rotation Not Working With Mouse if Mouse Cursor is Shown

Tools - Apr 11, 2016

When the mouse cursor is shown, and you press eject in the viewport, you can no longer rotate the camera while holding right click and moving the mouse. If you hide the mouse cursor using the Show ...

This user's project crashes when instanced levels and the player pawn are unloaded and destroyed

UE - Gameplay - Jun 25, 2015

This user's project crashes when instanced levels and the player pawn are unloaded and destroyed. This occurs in the ProjectLevelGameMode Blueprint, in the Touched Finish Point commented area. This ...

Distance Cull Fade Node on Material does not work with Skeletal Mesh

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 22, 2022

The licensee reports that this issue is caused by the following code not performing a Buffer update. .\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\ShaderBaseClasses.cpp void FMeshMaterialShaderElementD ...