It's easiest to see the change on the top of the table or back of the chairs when following the repro steps. I've attached screenshots of the Windows and Linux comparison with Intensity set to 20. ...
Resonance Reverb Effects are not working on Audio Gameplay Volumes. They are working on legacy Audio Volumes. ...
User is not happy that the Custom Blend Logic Graph is cleared out if you accidentally switch the Blend Logic back to Standard ...
Sound queues set to play with "Play Sound at Location" node don't play on a game packaged for IOS. **NOTE** User workaround mentioned that sound will come out from connected bluetooth. ...
If an interface is implemented within a blueprint, the initial function in the blueprint interface cannot be called in the actor. The function will be populated after compiling the blueprint interfa ...
Foliage does not spawn on Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Components ...
Physical materials on landscapes always return DefaultPhysicalMaterial, even when the surface type is changed. ...
Navigation does not work in sub-levels. If the Nav Mesh Bounds Volume in a sub level is not touching a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume in the Persistent Level, it will not appear or function during Play. It ...
If you create a UMG with an image in the Umg that is not a power of 2, The image will not appear on an iOS device. Tested this on a Android device (Nexus 5 with ETC1 and ATC. PVRTC will not allow t ...
Once a project is packaged, If you enter the console command 'Show Collision' and the 'Quit', the project will crash upon closing. This is only occurring in a packaged project and not happening whe ...