Clearcoat Shader will stop receiving lighting information if any mesh assigned the material using the shader leaves lighting. Also Reproduced in Launcher 4.9 Preview 4, Main-CL-2660934 [Image Remo ...
If a user declares a UFunction with the exec specifier, the UHT will add a call to that function so that it can be used as a console command in the editor. This becomes an issue when the declaration ...
If a blueprint based on a custom World Settings class is set in the project settings then the editor crashes on open ...
None of the other FBodyInstance properties are showing up either in the Foliage tool or viewing a FoliageType asset in the content browser. ...
Add option to compile iOS OpenGL ES or Metal shaders and whether to force 32bppHDR at each QL If Metal shaders are a scalability option we can compile them only for high and compile only OpenGL fo ...
Lots of details on the related UDN thread. In short, Navigation System is not handling properly deep component hierarchies. I've added a test map for this to AIProject, it's ComponentHierarchyOnNa ...
Matinees which are referencing InterpData created in the Content Browser cannot export movies via the Movie Button in Matinee Editor. You receive this error:[Image Removed] Then you receive this e ...
If you have a small main mesh and use the "Additional Body Part" section of Persona to preview other meshes, they become hidden if the main mesh is out of the camera frame. [NameRemoved]: Can we ju ...
When using "Set Master Pose Component", child components only animate for a few seconds if the Master Component goes out of view of the player camera. In the attached project, the master pose compo ...
When using Volumetric Translucent Shadows for static meshes the shadows will only work if the mesh is selected. When the mesh is deselected it will not render. This worked in 4.8.3, but is broken ...