If the user has the number of players set to more than one, the VR preview will crash. ...
Contrary to the linked UDN question, this doesn't seem to require the actor to be replicated. The problem is that when UWorld::DuplicateWorldForPIE is called for a PIE client instance's persistent ...
When setting up categories for your widgets in the Event graph the categories will revert back to default after compiling the blueprint ...
Concerning the UI, in most cases clicking on the magnifying glass will navigate to the selected asset in the Content Browser. Clicking on the magnifying glass next to the Parent Socket field result ...
The tool tip always reads "Item Integer" for the return pin on the "Get" node. ...
User has reported that they get a crash after loading levels multiple times. This crash occurs when setting a Uniform buffer. ...
Typing Special Characters using US-International-PC keyboard in MacOS:10.10.4 causes the editor to crash. ...
If the user moves the pivot point for the 3D widget component the widget can no longer interact with. ...
If you interrupt a SetViewTargetWithBlend with another SetViewTargetWithBlend, it snaps to the second ViewTarget instead of blending back. ...
When causing an impact on a destructible mesh the entire mesh will fracture, instead of only breaking around the impact point. Test project attached in UDN post ...