Niagara Crash : ExportParticleDataToBlueprint module causes buffer overrun

UE - Niagara - Aug 10, 2021

This buffer overrun is probably caused by the ExportParticleDataToBlueprint module does not respecting the GPUAllocation Fixed Size setting in the module. In fact, out-of-range export data is not c ...

DebugDrawHelper memory leak in editor

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 10, 2021

[Feature Request] Niagara Ribbon Render needs V direction Tessellation option

UE - Niagara - Aug 8, 2021

It has a common chunking visual artifacts that lot's of triangular Translucent overlap once Ribbon's width is big and twisted heavily facing to Camera [Image Removed] It can be fixed by adding mor ...

Pasting a component binding onto a Spawnable will not set up parenting correctly

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 6, 2021

It appears that for spawnable bindings, when adding a child binding through a copy/paste it is not added to the child bindings array on the spawnable, so when GetChildPossessables is called, there a ...

Xcode project files use iOS Legacy Build System which is not supported in Xcode 13

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 3, 2021

The WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings file is generated with the following entry <key>BuildSystemType</key> <string>Original</string> This causes the warning in [Link Removed] which has was closed ...

Level Instance: failed check in duplication code when embedding

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Aug 2, 2021

Mentioned in this UDN is the possibility that duplication of some actor fails because their BP as been deleted.  ...

TriggerMontageEndedEvent will clear queued notifies for all instances of a montage

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 29, 2021

When a montage finishes and TriggerMontageEndedEvent is called, all queued notifies for that montage are cleared. However, this assumes that there is only one instance of the montage active at any ...

InstanceDecorators of URichTextBlock is increased everytime add it to viewport

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 29, 2021

URichTextBlock::UpdateStyleData() does not check whether DecoratorClasses already had any specificed DecoratorClass. So every time you turn UMG on and off from the Viewport, Decorator Classes will i ...