Camera is flipped when keying from negative to positive Crane Pitch

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 19, 2016

Camera is flipped when keying from negative to positive Crane Pitch ...

"Active" marker on shot track scales improperly when using Time Scale

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 21, 2017

"Active" marker on shot track scales improperly when using Time Scale ...

Asset Override Editor does not have vertical scrollbar until window is resized

OLD - Anim - Oct 22, 2015

If a child anim blueprint has enough animations to go beyond the view of the asset override editor, the override editor will not show a vertical scrollbar until the window is resized. ...

Tool tips on the main monitor scale to the DPI of the secondary monitor.

Tools - Aug 2, 2016

If the user has different DPI Scaling set on each monitor, the main monitors tool tips will change size based on the secondary monitor. ...

Preview Asset Becomes Detached from Socket When Renamed

Tools - Dec 28, 2017

4.17: The preview mesh disappears entirely when the name of the preview asset is changed When a preview asset is applied to a socket, and the socket is renamed, the preview asset becomes detached ...

FPS drop (present time increase) when moving the editor windows to secondary screens

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Apr 29, 2022

The licensee has mentioned that they also see an FPS drop without a second monitor, so this can happen just by separating windows out on the same screen. ...

Capsule component Shape values can be glitched inside of Actor class bp

UE - Gameplay - Components - Oct 29, 2015

Capsule component Shape values can be glitched inside of Actor class bp This effects 4.9.2 and 4.10 Preview 3, however it is working properly in 4.11-2736016 User Description: Alright, so the Cap ...

Generated definition of BlueprintNativeEvent UFUNCTION in an interface does not include const keyword for return type

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 15, 2018

UHT does not correctly create generated code for BlueprintNativeEvent UFUNCTIONs in an interface that return const values. In the corresponding .gen.cpp file, the generated code does not include the ...

Selecting other components after selecting a Spline Component's control point keeps the transform gizmo and functionality at the Spline Control point

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 3, 2022

Selecting other components after selecting a Spline Component's control point keeps the transform gizmo and functionality at the Spline Control point Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4 ...

Serialization to archive corrupts data

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 16, 2015

Values stored inside variables becomes corrupted after creating an FBufferArchive variable (FBufferVar), setting FBufferVar.ArForceByteSwapping = true; and then storing the original value in FBuffer ...