High Resolution Screenshot menu on the Editor saves png file, but HighResShot console command saves bmp file. But licensee wants to use same format. ...
For 4.8, we moved LinuxNativeDialogs, a third-party library, to a different location (and also changed its API somewhat, so the old library is binary incompatible). However, some users apparently a ...
It's been reported that maps are going missing from projects and while they're showing up within the Windows Explorer folders, they're not showing up within UE4. You cannot migrate them in, import t ...
The editor does not seem to be handling frame ranges properly for 60fps animations. Say you have a 200 frame animation that spans frame 0-200. Upon import it will be 201 frames. If you set the ra ...
Local variables do not appear in the context menu inside collapsed graphs. They can still be dragged into the graph. Reproduced in 4.8 Preview 3 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2560501) ...
A packaged game that is ran with -fullscreen shifts position when entered windowed mode. I am not seeing this issue when running an unpackaged project with -game -fullscreen. I am also not seeing t ...
Calling functions that have an implicit WorldContextObject parameter (line trace, execute console command, etc) in a Blueprint function library will give a compile error about a missing __WorldConte ...
If two strings or names are compared in blueprint using the Equals (==) node, it is not case sensitive in English. It is case sensitive in Cyrillic however, even though it should be the same functio ...
When adding assets to your projects from the vault, moving the new assets to new sub folders will cause issues when trying to delete the folders from the content browser. ...
When adding assets to your projects from the vault, moving the new assets to new sub folders will cause issues when trying to delete the folders from the content browser. ...