Flying pawn ignores landscape collision

UE - Gameplay - Feb 21, 2015

Flying pawn from Flying Template does not collide with landscapes. ...

Delay node after a Destroy node breaks blueprint string

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 20, 2015

When a delay node is placed after a Destroy node in a blueprint string, nothing after the delay node will trigger. Removing the delay will trigger following nodes. ...

Deleting the code files for a custom component from a project will result in an Engine crash when trying to open any Blueprint using that component.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 20, 2015

Adding a custom component to a Blueprint and then deleting the code class defining that custom component from the project will crash the Editor any time you try to open a Blueprint containing that c ...

Set Timer node does not stop the timer if it is set to zero by the Custom Event

UE - Gameplay - Feb 20, 2015

Set Timer node does not stop the timer if it is set to zero by the Custom Event. This is also true if Set Timer Delegates are used. ...

Creating an exposed variable does not always update correctly to the bp's Details panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 20, 2015

Creating an exposed variable does not always update correctly to the bp's Details panel. They will show as having multiple values until the bp is clicked off and back onto. ...

Landscape does not conform to splines correctly

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 20, 2015

When attempting to deform a landscape to landscape splines, the landscape often does not correctly conform to the spline and will appear through portions of the spline or the spline will "float" abo ...

Landscape Visibility Tool crashes editor

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 20, 2015

Editor crashes when landscape visibility tool is used on landscape. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

Compile error when declaring UPROPERTY() TArray with TFixedAllocator

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 20, 2015

Declaring a UPROPERTY() TArray with TFixedAllocator fails to compile. Output log states "Missing '>' in 'tarray'." Removing/commenting out the UPROPERTY() allows the project to compile correctly. ...

Self Referencing Widget in a Player controller corrupts player controller blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 20, 2015

If a the "Create Widget" node is called with an event tick and is uses a self reference (for the target player) inside the player controller it will make it so that the Player Controller blueprint c ...

TargetArray nodes are reported as invalid if played in Standalone mode but not in PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 20, 2015

TargetArray nodes are reported as invalid if played in Standalone mode and the blueprints they are contained in are not rendered. Playing in PIE however works correctly and all blueprints are rende ...