When a component inherited from code is transformed in any way with the viewport controls (arrows, rotation sphere, scale boxes) the editor will crash. Using the value boxes to set the transform do ...
Attempting to create landscape layer info from within the new landscape creation window crashes the editor. Workaround: create the landscape, switch to paint mode, create layer info in paint mode w ...
When walking off of angled geometry the player pawn will fall off of the edge horizontally instead of falling. Even with all possibly related values changed in the character defaults, the player wi ...
Currently it is only partially possible to edit nested component subobjects, but not in a way that's consistent with how top-level component subobjects are edited (both Blueprints and IWCE). This is ...
Startup movies are not being copied to the Content/Movies directory within the Content Browser. This can be confusing to users as it is not editable, but still functions correctly as a startup movie ...
If the mouse is toggled to show by using "Set Show Mouse Cursor" and then the user clicks in the window the mouse will lose focus (the camera will no longer freely track the mouse) ...
When you package a project for Windows Shipping, The project will not generate a log file when the .exe project is played. The project will generate a log file if you package the project in the De ...
Delegation issue with copied instances of a Trigger BP that is based off of the StaticMeshActor parent class. If bp Trigger A is placed into the level and then 2 copies are made (B & C), when C i ...
Animation orientation does not auto-convert to UE4 coordinates when reimporting the same way it does when importing the same animation as a new import. In other words, a run animation generated from ...