Errors spam in output log when any variable is right clicked in the blueprint event graph. Update: This seems to occur only in character blueprints. Attempted in Actor BP with no success. ...
Defining a skeletal mesh component in code and attaching it to the root component will not allow the component's details to be editable inside the editor. ...
Users are not able to get the drop down menu to show up when the combo box is applied to a 3D Widget (World Space) ...
Child Actor component is not affected by the 'Visible' and 'Hidden in Game' settings. It is still rendered in the bp viewport and in the level during play. Even if the 'bpSelf' is set to hide in g ...
You cannot access the Make MaterialSpriteElement Struc since 4.6 when pulling off a Material Billboard Component Set Array Elem setup. In 4.5[Image Removed] In 4.7.5[Image Removed] also reproduce ...
Box select always selects skeletal meshes in ortho viewports, even when not touching the actor. Switching on Strict Box Selection fixes it as a workaround. ...
If you open the Modules tab and then close the editor and reopen it, where the modules tab was now becomes an "unrecognized tab". [Image Removed] ...
When animating within a blueprint of a subclass created in c++, the animating mesh replicates itself uncontrollably. Added to .h: UPROPERTY() UBoxComponent* BoxComp; UPROPERTY() USkeletalMeshCompo ...
PIE without compiling child blueprint (3rdSpiderPawn in example) that is attempting to affect an inherited variable will crash the editor. Additional Information: User has several cast to nodes ca ...
It is possible to rename a Function Output the same as a Local Variable, which causes a compile error: Error Internal Compiler Error: Tried to create a property TestVar in scope NewFunction_0, but ...