Foliage deleted in 4.6 and 4.6.1 appears in 4.7

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Dec 23, 2014

Foliage that has been deleted in 4.6 will return when a project is migrated to 4.7. ...

Editor crashes when attempting to press tab while editing transform values in structs

Tools - Dec 23, 2014

Editor crashes if a user presses tab while editing transform values in a blueprint struct. Note: This only occurs while editing transform variables, no other var causes this crash. Logs and Dump f ...

Custom Events can't be called after changing level blueprint or switching maps

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 23, 2014

Custom events cannot be called as functions after being made in level blueprints or after changing levels. User must close and re-open editor to be able to call a custom event. ...

Mesh Particle Collision does not occur when placed in Destructible Meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 23, 2014

Mesh Type Particles with Collision on World Static and Destructibles will not keep collision when placed into the Effects slot of a Destructible Mesh. ...

OnComponentEndOverlap and GetOverlappingActors are not in sync

UE - Gameplay - Dec 23, 2014

GetOverlappingActors will return a value when used immediately after OnComponentEndOverlap. Putting a delay after the OnComponentEndOverlap call will result in GetOverlappingActors to return null, s ...

BlueprintNativeEvents with no return value (void) cannot be overridden in Blueprints.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 22, 2014

BlueprintNativeEvents (and BlueprintImplementableEvents) are not available to be overridden in a Blueprint Graph if they do not return a value. This affects both functions present in source code, as ...

Game does not gain focus when launching

Tools - Dec 22, 2014

Launching standalone or a packaged game that forces fullscreen at launch does not gain control of mouse/keyboard input until after the screen is clicked on. ...

Opening a Sprite that is already opened in Property Matrix closes the Property Matrix tab

Tools - Dec 22, 2014

Opening a Sprite that is already opened in Property Matrix closes the Property Matrix tab. This is inconsistent with other asset types; tested with Textures, Materials, and Blueprints, and in each c ...

Can no longer create a new montage branch point in the CharacterAnimBP

OLD - Anim - Dec 22, 2014

There is no longer an option to create a new montage branch point by right clicking in the CharacterAnimBP. ...

Cannot reference Branch point in CharacterAnimBP event graph

OLD - Anim - Dec 22, 2014

In CharacterAnimBP: After creating a new montage branch point you cannot reference it in the CharacterAnimBP’s Event graph until you close and restart the editor. ...