Mouse lock on a widget in the RetainerBox is misaligned and locked in the wrong position in the standalone/package application

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Jan 9, 2024

Locking the mouse to a widget covered by a Retainerbox locks it in a different position in the standalone/packaging application than in PIE.  This does not happen if RetainerBox is disabled and the ...

NiagaraEmitter is saved with the different asset name when renaming with speceficed name

UE - Niagara - Jan 9, 2024

Renaming a NiagaraEmitter to a specific asset name changes it to an unspecified asset name. This happens only with NiagaraEmitter, not with other assets.  ...

Export Asset Task with Directory as Filename causes Editor Crash

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Jan 8, 2024

Setting GDelayTrimMemoryDuringMapLoadMode = 2 causes crash on same map reload

UE - Gameplay - Jan 8, 2024

GDelayTrimMemoryDuringMapLoadMode is a CVar that controls whether a garbage collection should take place during map change after unloading the previous map and before loading the new one. By default ...

Shadow map z-fighting when using Overlay material

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 8, 2024

UInstancedStaticMeshComponentRemoveInstances crashes if called with an empty array

This looks like it can be fixed with an early-out when the passed array of indices is empty. Log:[2024.01.03-16.38.36:091][291]LogOutputDevice: Warning: Script Stack (1 frames) : /Game/BP_Crashy.B ...

Groom shadows stay visible when component is hidden

UE - Rendering Architecture - Jan 8, 2024

This appears to happen with both Virtual Shadow Maps and Cascaded Shadow Maps. ...

Merge Actor - Textures created with the "Merge" option are not visible in the Content Browser

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Merge Actor - Jan 8, 2024

A recent modification to the CB behavior made it so that only the main asset of a package is visible in the CB. It was unknown, but the merge actor tool "Merge" option has been creating a single pa ...

Blueprint Typing Potentially Incorrect when using Chooser Plugin

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jan 8, 2024

This appears to be some form of type confusion. In editor, the type of the result pin is a Packed Level Actor Class Reference, but at runtime, the returned value is a BlueprintGeneratedClass. ...

Combined Translate and Rotate Mode broken when using Local Space

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 22, 2023

From UDN: When using the Combined Translate and Rotate Mode we run into an issue where the rotation arrow moves twice as fast as the coordinate frame. The object itself rotates correctly, but if we ...