Editor Crash with corrupted asset when opening within level or via the content browser.

Tools - Jan 5, 2017

Editor will crash when a skeletal mesh has been added to a level and then reopening the project later if you try and access this level. If you attempt to open the skel meshes in the content browser ...

Crash when exiting editor before EditorUtilityTask completes

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 29, 2024

If exiting the editor before the EditorUtilityTask completes, it crashes. It will not crash if canceling the UtilityTask and then exit the editor. The following implementation does not allow destruc ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!PackageReloadInternal::LoadReplacementPackage() [packagereload.cpp:274]

Tools - Aug 17, 2018

No user comments in crash group 262 UPackage* LoadReplacementPackage(UPackage* InExistingPackage, const uint32 InLoadFlags) 263 { 264 if (!InExistingPackage) 265 ...

Rendering sequence with livelink data has issues with smooth engine offset

UE - Virtual Production - IO - LiveLink - Apr 26, 2023

[Link Removed] for reference Playing back a sequence shouldn't have buffered samples. We should have a single one, which was built from the sequence. We need to make sure when played back that it ...

Crash Duplicating an empty AtlasRow material node

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 29, 2023

This isn't a hard crash, but a "verify(...)" from MaterialExpressions.cpp, line 559. ...

Crash occur when loading AInstancedPlacementPartitionActor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 17, 2022

Crashes when loading an actor that inherits from AInstancedPlacementPartitionActor. There is a serialization size mismatch. ...

After closing PIE, Right click dragging is confined to the Viewport bounds

Tools - Oct 27, 2017

After holding any mouse button down and pressing escape to quit the game, using the right mouse button to move in the viewport locks it to the left and right bounds of the viewport. Sometimes moving ...

Duplicating a blueprint that implements an interface and then removing that interface will cause compile errors that don't occur if the interface was removed from the original BP

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 1, 2020

See steps to reproduce. Looks like the fixup when saying Yes to "Would you like to transfer the interface functions to be part of your blueprint" doesn't work correctly on the duplicated BP. Inter ...

When show propertymatrix and delete target actor, the editor crash

Tools - Jul 11, 2017

It looks like it is null reference in propertymatrix. It always occurs when I execute the reproduction procedure. ...